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Valmistaudu kilpailemaan « Euro Weekly News

Registration is now open for the 26th ‘Villa de Estepona’ Triathlon, a classic local sports event that attracts around 300 athletes to compete. The race, one of the oldest in Andalucia, is a must-attend for both professional and amateur athletes, and will be held on Sunday, June 16.

Participants can register online through the website www.triatlonandalucia.org until Monday, June 10. The registration fee is €30 for members and €37 for non-members.

The triathlon will consist of a 750-meter swim at La Rada beach, a 20-kilometer urban cycling circuit, and a 5-kilometer foot race through Estepona town center.

For more information, please contact 639 616571 or email inscripciones@triatlonandalucia.org.

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