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Useiden Benalmádenan (Málagan) rantojen sulkeutuminen, jotta Rannikko voisi uudistaa ne ja tuoda hiekkaa

The Benalmádena City Council has informed that, due to the works of conditioning the Santa Ana and Torrevigía Beach that will be carried out by the General Directorate of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, several accesses will be closed.
The objective is to keep the influence area clear to carry out the works safely for bathers and as quickly as possible, and, specifically, the accesses from Santa Ana Beach to Torrebermeja will be closed, as well as Torrevigía, for regeneration.
The Beach area municipal department has asked for understanding and advance apologies to users while these works last, because, due to the volume, size of machinery, and significant sand contributions, being emergency works, it has been decided by technical criteria that it is appropriate to close the space to users in order to carry out these works as quickly as possible and with their safety guaranteed.
The City Council also highlights the need for these sand contributions, as beaches like Santa Ana had lost sand considerably due to storms, while the work in Torrevigía will respond to a demand from users and residents of the area, requested by the City Council and the government team for not having been assisted in recent years.

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