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Musica, grillit ja Fuengirolan (Málagan) rannat saapuvat tänä lauantaina Madridin Chamberín aukiolle

FUENGIROLA (MÁLAGA), 10 May. (EUROPA PRESS) – The town of Fuengirola in Malaga will promote ”the best of its beach” in the capital of Spain, this Saturday, May 11, in the Plaza de Chamberí. They will be inviting the people of Madrid to enjoy one of the town’s gastronomic specialties, the sardine skewers, in collaboration with the local Beach Entrepreneurs Association.
The presentation day will begin at 12:30 with a promotional video of the city and speeches from public representatives of the Madrid and Fuengirola city councils.
Following this, there will be musical performances by local groups Los Salvajes del Rebalaje and Efecto Mariposa, as well as a preview of the shows that will take place in the 2024 edition of the Marenostrum Fuengirola concert series.
The Beach Entrepreneurs Association will be grilling and serving the sardine skewers, which any Madrilenian or visitor can enjoy during the day in the square named after this traditional neighborhood. The Fuengirola professional collective plans to bring 700 kilos of this fish to the capital to serve over 3,000 portions.
There will also be a drinks bar managed by the Francisco Luzón Foundation ’United against ALS’, with proceeds going towards their social work.
Additionally, the urban area of Madrid will be decorated with characteristic elements of Fuengirola’s coastal furniture, such as the well-known surveillance booths, among others.
Prior to the event, the mayor, Ana Mula, accompanied by the deputy mayor, Rodrigo Romero, as well as the councilors of Beaches and Tourism, José Sánchez and José Luis Ponce, respectively, will hold various working meetings with stakeholders of interest to the town.
They are scheduled to meet with representatives from the business, sports, cultural, and political sectors with the aim of expanding Fuengirola’s national projection as a tourist destination.

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