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Fuengirolan kaupunki järjestää kaksitoista kulttuuritapahtumaa kesäkuussa kaikenikäisille

The article is relevant as it provides information about cultural events and activities happening in Fuengirola, a city located on Spain’s sunny coast. Here is the translated and edited version suitable for a travel website:

”Fuengirola Offers a Vibrant Cultural Program for June

The Fuengirola City Council has organized a variety of cultural activities for all audiences in June. The program includes concerts, theater performances, exhibitions, and the XXX Model Making Contest, among other exciting events. Rodrigo Romero, the councilor in charge, unveiled the program details, highlighting the diverse range of activities available.

One of the current highlights is the ARTS exhibition at the City Museum, showcasing works from the municipal plastic arts workshops at the Casa de la Cultura. The exhibition is open for free visits from Tuesday to Friday from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and on weekends and holidays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Additionally, the ’Luces del Mediterráneo’ exhibition by Pilar Cárdenas will open at the Casa de la Cultura on June 14, offering free entry until July 3.

The cultural program kicks off on June 1 with the play ’La Dama de Bronce y Mármol’ by Crisol Teatro, benefiting AFA, at the Palacio de la Paz from 8:00 pm. Tickets are available for 10 euros at the AFA headquarters on Calle Agustina de Aragón and the Casa de la Cultura. The same day will also host the III Furom Romantic Literature Writers Meeting at the Yacimiento Romano Finca del Secretario from 10:00 am onwards.

Music enthusiasts can enjoy jazz concerts as part of the ’Noches de Jazz’ series at the Town Hall Rooftop, featuring performances like ’Tecleando el misterio, jazz y poesía bajo las estrellas’ on June 6 and Milton Rodríguez Trío feat. Ana Cisneros on June 27, both starting at 9:00 pm. Tickets for the June 6 concert can be obtained for free at https://entradas.fuengirola.es, while the June 27 concert tickets are priced at 5 euros.

Other musical highlights include the ’Clásicos y Tributos’ concert by the Saxophone Ensemble of the Costa del Sol Professional Music Conservatory on June 7 at 8:00 pm in Parque de España. The Municipal Music Band will also perform on June 18 and 25 at 9:00 pm in Parque de España.

Furthermore, the Elderly Theater Workshop will conclude its course with a performance at the Casa de la Cultura on June 25 at 8:30 pm. Additionally, the Ballroom and Regional Dance workshops will showcase their talents on June 15 at 8:00 pm at the Palacio de la Paz, with free entry.

Lastly, don’t miss the XXX Model Making Contest ’Fuengirola un sol de ciudad’ on June 22 and 23 at the Palacio de la Paz, dedicated to Italy. This year marks the 30th anniversary, with special guests like the painter Augusto Ferrer Dalmau offering a conference. With a record number of participants and a perfect setting, this contest promises to be the best yet. Join us and experience this iconic Spanish competition in all its glory!”

This rewritten article provides travelers with valuable insights into the cultural events and activities happening in Fuengirola, making it a relevant and engaging piece for tourists visiting Spain’s sunny coast.

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