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Albirin rantakatu on ”uudistumassa” – SpainPosten

The well-known Paseo de Las Estrellas on the beach in l’Albir will undergo a complete facelift.

The renovation of this famous promenade is expected to be completed ”by Easter,” according to the municipality. The work will begin in October after the summer season, which ends in September. This is to cause as little inconvenience as possible for summer tourists.

The project to improve and modernize this well-known beach promenade, where the names of the actors who have won the Silver Lighthouse at the film festival are placed, has an investment of 964,000 euros, 100% subsidized by the EU.


The remodeling of Paseo de las Estrellas into a single accessible platform aims to give pedestrians and cyclists a more prominent place, thus removing it from road traffic, improving vegetation, reclaiming the public space by the promenade for recreation for residents and visitors, and increasing the permeability of the road.

Specifically, the entire area will be repaired, improved, consolidated, and modernized by removing barriers and providing more space for pedestrians and cyclists. The project will create a new surface drainage network, in accordance with the renovation of the urban road, and will modify the current cross slopes. In addition, the entire existing public lighting network will be renewed with LED luminaires with the latest technology to reduce power consumption and increase energy efficiency, leading to environmental and economic improvements, with an efficiency improvement of more than 60%, which will increase both functionality and public safety.

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